Thursday, July 7, 2011

My back pages

I just discovered this old blog lieing around somewhere in the cloud, and I think I am going to revive it!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ian Carrick's Going Away Party

Ian Carrick is a good friend of ours. I've been jamming with him at Dudley's Bookstore in downtown Bend OR (Minnesota between Wall and Bond) for the last six months or so; anything from Django to choro to bluegrass and back again.

Ian's a very talented, dedicated musician and a good guy; not much of an ego for someone as young (he's only 17 years old! and a student at Bend's Summit High), talented and fortunate as he is.

Ian's leaving Bend on February 23 for six months of student exchange in Goiana, Brazil. So his Mom and Dad got together and rented Father Luke's room at McMenamin's/Bend for a going away party and jam for family and friends. Ian's got a lot of friends, both musical and otherwise, and a good time was had by all. Here's a picture of Ian's cute little sister, Hannah, doing a little jig along with the guitar and fidlle.

There were many different musical styles represented; bluegrass; Scottish fiddle tunes; originals; banjo tunes; and, of course, Django to choro to jazz tunes and back again.

Here I am playing a Dupont Selmer Macaferri D-hole copy (model HC50); Ian's playing a Breedlove mandolin. Good stuff! There's a CD out there with Ian and I playing a couple of tunes; I'll try to upload one of the cuts in the near future.

Boa viagem, Ian!